workshops / hackathons
From week long workshops/seminars to 72hr hackathons/makeathons, Yihyun has led, programmed, and successfully hosted wide range of innovation events across topics.
Hackathons are great venues to bring multi-disciplinary groups together to design and prototype new ideas. I have been leading numerous hackathons from its inception to execution, and also mentoring teams.
Tingling the Senses
MIT Design Lab
Cambridge, MA / March, 2018
How can we create portable sensory experiences that can bring ‘delight’ in our everyday moments?
As the director, I was responsible for setting the topics and agenda of the hackathon, work closely with sponsoring companies, and to plan and execute the weekend long event. With over 40 students from Boston area, teams came up with innovative, exciting, and unique product proposals for a portable and tangible sensory experience.
Urban Fitness
MIT Design Lab x PUMA
Cambridge, MA / March, 2016
How can we create distributed and connected urban fitness experience to promote wellbeing and healthy lifestyle?
Connected Care: Tangible Insurance
MIT Design Lab x BNP Paribas
Cambridge, MA / April 2017
How can we create a ‘tangible’ insurance, so we can feel cared for at all times?
With BNP Paribas as sponsor, we invited students and researchers from the MIT/Boston community to imagine connected product and service experiences (for insurance) that will enable us to feel ‘cared for’ when we need it the most.
Reinventing the Souvenir Experience
MIT Mobile Experience Lab x Fondazione TEMA,
Florence, Italy / March, 2018
How can you design a new experiential souvenir for Florence?
We hosted a three day makeathon/design thinking workshop in Florence to drive a multi-disciplinary group of students and professionals to come up with innovative ideas.

As the lead researcher, I organized and conducted numerous design workshops with various industry sponsors - from banking, media, consumer products and electronics.
Workshops with Consumer Products/Electronics
Emerging Technologies Workshop
MIT Design Lab, with Samsung Electronics.
Cambridge, MA (March, 2019)
Series of three seminar-based workshop on latest research and trends with invited speakers on Computer Vision, Computational Photography, and Computational Hearing. I was the lead curator of the workshop, forming a panel of expert speakers and programming the event.
Value Prototyping and Design Thinking Workshop
Tokyo, Japan (January, 2018)
3-day Design Thinking Workshop with Japan Tobacco Research Center on the topic of creating ‘tangible and portable break-time experience’.
Workshops with Banking/Financial Industry
Future of AI in Banking Workshop
with Banco Bradesco,
Sao Paulo, Brazil (January, 2019
3-day workshop bringing 50+ employees across departments to explore people-centered AI banking experience.
Spatial Prototype Experience / Bodystorming Workshop
with Banco Bradesco
Sao Paulo Brazil (May 2015):
Followed by implementation of full-scale foam prototype of ‘learning branch’, led 10+ workshops bringing over 120 people from all departments at corporate bank to ‘bodystorm’ new interactions and service experiences.
Millennial User Experience Workshop
with Banco Bradesco
Sao Paulo/Porto Alegre, Brazil (July-August, 2016)
Series of Design Thinking workshops in two cities to explore what money means to millennials, followed by round table discussion on expectations of millennials in career and life.
Workshops with Mass Media Industry
Future of Media Experience Workshop
MIT Mobile Experience Lab with TV Globo,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (November, 2017)
2-day Workshop to explore how we will experience information in connected home of the future.
How can we design AI enabled experiences that are human-centered and user-focused?
Future of AI in Banking Workshop
In this co-creation workshop, as project director at MIT Design Lab, we worked with Banco Bradesco in Sao Paulo to think beyond the current banking experiences, and design new services and experiences enabled by AI technologies.